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Η blablabla14 αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι 28 ετών και Μαθητής Γ' γυμνασίου. Έχει γράψει 73 μηνύματα.
this may im taking the lower examinations and im soo upset about it !!!
i hope that page will help me to pass these exams and take this degree!!!!!

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.



Η Εύη! αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι 29 ετών, Μαθητής Γ' γυμνασίου και μας γράφει απο Χανιά (Χανιά). Έχει γράψει 17 μηνύματα.
Hello guys!:P I recently discovered this website and I am a new member!!! I would really like to join your....."club"! I am a big fan of the english language!!!
this may im taking the lower examinations and im soo upset about it !!!
Don't worry! As long as you practise it's all gonna be okay!!:no1::no1::no1:
So......what's up?:xixi:

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Lita Athens

Δραστήριο μέλος

Η Lita Athens αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι Φοιτητής. Έχει γράψει 541 μηνύματα.
this may im taking the lower examinations and im soo upset about it !!!
i hope that page will help me to pass these exams and take this degree!!!!!

First of all good luck!
Ofcourse, this topic can't really help you study... You should be taking some lessons and reading the appropriate books. However, this discussion will help you practice your skills on writing on a daily basis.:P
Don't worry, though! If you study regularly, you'll pass the exam! It's not a difficult one actually!
Hello guys!:P I recently discovered this website and I am a new member!!! I would really like to join your....."club"! I am a big fan of the english language!!!
So......what's up?:xixi:

Hi! Welcome to our conversation! Let me pose a question in order to discuss it!
What do you aspire to study in the future?

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.



Η blablabla14 αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι 28 ετών και Μαθητής Γ' γυμνασίου. Έχει γράψει 73 μηνύματα.
thanks!!!of course i know that i have to study and practise more this page will help me if i study as well :)
when i grow up i wanna be a pscicologist..but im really upset about if my choice is the right one ...:(
you know i really like to give advice and help the others and i have to admit that im very good at it :P but i dont know if this job has pleasant wage or pleasant demantage (the second is the most important i think)...i dont know...what about you ?

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.


Διάσημο μέλος

Ο Crookshanks αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος. Είναι Μαθητής Γ' λυκείου. Έχει γράψει 3,567 μηνύματα.

First of all, you shouldn't chat on the internet during the lesson...!!!:P
You should be paying attention to everything your teacher has to tell you...!!!:P:P:P:P:P

Ah, he doesn' t tell us anything:P. He said that if we wanted, we could have a lesson about programming, but nobody wanted to, so he said that we could make a powerpoint project and then do whatever we wanted to with the PC:P. So I put lots of photographs of London in the slides (the subject of my project was my trip to London:P), commented a little bit, and... voila! Now my fingers are free to go on the keyboard and the mouse, however I love to:P.

By the way, I think that the english equivalent for the word "πληροφορική" is informatics.

Ah, sorry, I meant that it is precarious to say that we were having a lesson, because everyone was surfing the Web:P. And I also meant to say "Information Technology", which, to my knowledge, is the equivalent for the word you mentioned, but, well, it never hurts to know many words for the same thing:D.

I've pointed out the pronunciation of "Edinburgh", because many foreign speakers confuse it, even if they are fluent english users. Did you have a scottish teacher who told you that? I'm assuming you had one, since you mentioned that you like the scottish accent, which isn't very well-known in Greece... The fact that you had a native teacher must have helped you a lot. According to linguistics, the best language teachers are the ones that are both natives and university graduates of the language they teach (i.e. greek, english, french, german etc litearature / linguistics).

Oh, it has helped me, especially with my accent and with loving English.
She is not Scottish, though, but English. But she told us.
Well, I cannot say that I know the Scottish accent. I just think I like it very much, from what I hear on videos on the Internet and on TV series. Plus, there must be a differentiation of the accent even between various areas of Scotland.

You shouldn't feel jealous because you haven't visited Scotland yet.:P
You are still young... You have a lot of time to accomplish your dreams, even the ones regarding travelling.:P

Let' s hope so! The thing is, apart from time, I need money and will:p.

The scottish accent is actually quite "rough"... It's usually hard for a foreigner to understand Scots while they're speaking. Not only is their accent different from the typical english one, but they also use rare idioms and phrases not commonly used in other parts of the UK. The fact that you can understand them means that you've reached a high level of competence in english...:no1::no1::no1: The same thing happens in greek as well. There is the typical "athenian" accent and other more rough accents like the ones spoken in Crete or Roumeli. Ofcourse, a native speaker can understand this kind of accents, most of the times. A foreigner (who has learnt greek), on the other hand, will face many difficulties.

I didn' t say I can understand them:P. I actually don' t know if I do. Do you have any video with somebody speaking Scottish? Cause I have searched a bit in YouTube, but I read at the comments that it is not authentic Scottish accent. So I dunno what to believe:P.

By the way, what do you mean by the phrase "private english school"? (a "φροντιστήριο" or a morning english speaking school, i.e. elementary school, middle school, high school)?

I meant "φροντιστήριο".:)

See yeh!:P:P:P

thanks!!!of course i know that i have to study and practise more this page will help me if i study as well :)
when i grow up i wanna be a pscicologist..but im really upset about if my choice is the right one ...:(
you know i really like to give advice and help the others and i have to admit that im very good at it :P but i dont know if this job has pleasant wage or pleasant demantage (the second is the most important i think)...i dont know...what about you ?

What does "demantage" mean?:what:

Well, you should have asked me before New Year' s Day, I met a psychologist then:P.

From what he said, I inferred that if you have your own business and you keep getting customers (I don' t think that the world will ever stop being in need of psychologists:P), then you do have a satisfactory income.:)

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.

Lita Athens

Δραστήριο μέλος

Η Lita Athens αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι Φοιτητής. Έχει γράψει 541 μηνύματα.
Ah, he doesn' t tell us anything:P. He said that if we wanted, we could have a lesson about programming, but nobody wanted to, so he said that we could make a powerpoint project and then do whatever we wanted to with the PC:P. So I put lots of photographs of London in the slides (the subject of my project was my trip to London:P), commented a little bit, and... voila! Now my fingers are free to go on the keyboard and the mouse, however I love to:P.

Ah, sorry, I meant that it is precarious to say that we were having a lesson, because everyone was surfing the Web:P. And I also meant to say "Information Technology", which, to my knowledge, is the equivalent for the word you mentioned, but, well, it never hurts to know many words for the same thing:D.

Oh, it has helped me, especially with my accent and with loving English.
She is not Scottish, though, but English. But she told us.
Well, I cannot say that I know the Scottish accent. I just think I like it very much, from what I hear on videos on the Internet and on TV series. Plus, there must be a differentiation of the accent even between various areas of Scotland.

Let' s hope so! The thing is, apart from time, I need money and will:p.

I didn' t say I can understand them:P. I actually don' t know if I do. Do you have any video with somebody speaking Scottish? Cause I have searched a bit in YouTube, but I read at the comments that it is not authentic Scottish accent. So I dunno what to believe:P.

I meant "φροντιστήριο".:)

See yeh!:P:P:P

Hi! How are you?

From what you mentioned, your Informatics' teacher doesn't seem very fond of his own subject...:P I guess that's why he told you to do whatever you please during the lesson... It wasn't your fault then...!!!:P
By the way, you chose quite an interesting issue for your presentation.
London is one of the most magnificent cities I've been to!!!

Regarding the scottish accent, there is indeed a differentiation in the pronunciation between the various areas of Scotland. In the big cities, such as Edinburgh, usually the accent is not that rough... It is however quite different from the typical english one. In the Highlands, on the other hand, the accent is really rough and a bit difficult to understand.

Keep in mind though, that the accent may be difficult to understand but not impossible! If you're a fluent english speaker, you'll get easily used to the way they speak, sooner or later. Therefore, it's not actually that hard to understand them, especially after staying for a day or two in Scotland and, ofcourse, communicating with the locals!

What exactly were these comments refering to? Were they by any chance concerning the accent that we hear in certain movies?

"Authentic" is usually an accent spoken by a native or by a foreigner without pretention. To put it more simply, original is the accent that seems natural and lacks pretention. If we start speaking like the Scots do, we won't succeed, at least not without practicing...! According to me, the accent of Sean Connery, for example, is genuine, because he was born and raised in Scotland and he is, therefore, a native. On the contrary, the accent of other actors that are trying simply to immitate the scottish articulation can't be characterised as "authentic" nor "original"...

The best way for someone to contrast and compare accents is speaking to natives. If someone would like to hear the scottish accent, for example, or at least a version of it (because, as I noted previously, there's a variety of scottish accents), they should definitely communicate with the locals.


Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.


Διάσημο μέλος

Ο Crookshanks αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος. Είναι Μαθητής Γ' λυκείου. Έχει γράψει 3,567 μηνύματα.
Αh, he is interested in Informatics, but, well, you know, we 've got the exams ahead, he doesn' t want to make our lives more difficult:P. He' s not bad.

By the way, you chose quite an interesting issue for your presentation.
London is one of the most magnificent cities I've been to!!!

Well, yeah, erm... It might be the fact that it was all organised by the General Secretary for Youth, but I didn' t find it THAT magnificent:P. Did you find any worthy food there?:P

Well, these comments were referring to the videos themselves. You know, some videos of people who claimed to be Scottish and talked to present the Scottish accent, and teach how to immitate it.
But I also like the Mancunian accent, or, anyway, the way this actor speaks:P.

Ah, yeah, I know what you mean. When I watch a movie or TV series and somebody with a strange accent appears, it takes a while to get used to it:).

Well, I hope you don' t mind if I introduce another subject (that doesn' t mean stopping with talking about the old one!). What kind of music do you listen to? Which artists do you prefer?

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.

Lita Athens

Δραστήριο μέλος

Η Lita Athens αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι Φοιτητής. Έχει γράψει 541 μηνύματα.
thanks!!!of course i know that i have to study and practise more this page will help me if i study as well :)
when i grow up i wanna be a pscicologist..but im really upset about if my choice is the right one ...:(
you know i really like to give advice and help the others and i have to admit that im very good at it :P but i dont know if this job has pleasant wage or pleasant demantage (the second is the most important i think)...i dont know...what about you ?

Psychology is a very interesting subject. In fact I wanted to be a psychologist when I was about 14-15... The university lectures are really thought-proviking, according to a friend of mine that studies Psychology.

Finding a job as a psychologist, however, is quite difficult, from what I've heard, unless of course you'd like to pursue an academic career (that is becoming a university professor). While in other developed countries, psychologists are quite valuable and many people visit their offices every day, even without significant problems, in Greece things are different. Greeks still think that having issues and feeling the need to dicuss them with someone else besides your loved ones, is quite a "shame''... Many Greeks would not even consider a visit at a psychologist's office, no matter the amount or the importance of the personal problems they may be facing... That's why psycologists in Greece can't easily find a job...

If you really like psychology, however, then you should opt for it! I believe that when you really like something you should follow your dream and do not let things like the lack of jobs get in the way!!! Besides, when you believe in yourself and your studies, you will succeed!!!

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.


Διάσημο μέλος

Ο Crookshanks αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος. Είναι Μαθητής Γ' λυκείου. Έχει γράψει 3,567 μηνύματα.
Greeks still think that having issues and feeling the need to dicuss them with someone else besides your loved ones, is quite a "shame''...

Well, that' s beginning to change, at least what I 've heard of.

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.

Lita Athens

Δραστήριο μέλος

Η Lita Athens αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι Φοιτητής. Έχει γράψει 541 μηνύματα.
Αh, he is interested in Informatics, but, well, you know, we 've got the exams ahead, he doesn' t want to make our lives more difficult:P. He' s not bad.

Well, yeah, erm... It might be the fact that it was all organised by the General Secretary for Youth, but I didn' t find it THAT magnificent:P. Did you find any worthy food there?:P

Well, these comments were referring to the videos themselves. You know, some videos of people who claimed to be Scottish and talked to present the Scottish accent, and teach how to immitate it.
But I also like the Mancunian accent, or, anyway, the way this actor speaks:P.

Ah, yeah, I know what you mean. When I watch a movie or TV series and somebody with a strange accent appears, it takes a while to get used to it:).

Well, I hope you don' t mind if I introduce another subject (that doesn' t mean stopping with talking about the old one!). What kind of music do you listen to? Which artists do you prefer?


As far as your teacher is concerned, I completely understand the fact that he doesn't want to "force" you to study Informatics, because of the forth-coming panhellenics. It is, however, quite unfortunate that during our senior year we don't get the chance to "explore" other interesting fields and study other subjects besides the ones panhellenicaly examined...

Regarding the restaurants in London, we went to some very good ones actually... I don't remember their names, though, because it's been a long time since my last visit! In fact, my father (I went to London with my parents) who has studied there knew where exactly we should go and what is the most interesting to see during our stay there! What I remember for sure is that I really enjoyed my trips to London and that I was impressed by the city!!!

I haven't heard of the actor you mentioned, so I don't know how he speaks... I've heard though of the mancunian accent... I think it is the accent spoken in the Manchester area. I haven't heard it myself though, since neither have I ever been there nor have I met any locals... Is it close to the english or to the scottish one?

As far as the last question you've posed me is concerned, I must admit that I don't devote much time in listening to music... Therefore I'm not very eclectic... I like many kinds of music [rock, pop, aritistic (how else could I translate "έντεχνη"?) etc]... I can't stand, though, rap and traditional folkore songs (λαικά)... Some of my favourite greek artists are Hatzigiannis and Arvanitaki, but I am not passionate about each and every of their songs... Moreover, I appreciate some songs of Madona, yet again I'm not that passionate... To put it simply, I enjoy listening to music and I like the work of certain artsists but I'm not one of those girls that go to each and every concert of their favourite artists, screaming their names and depserately asking for an autograph... What about you?


Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.


Διάσημο μέλος

Ο Crookshanks αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος. Είναι Μαθητής Γ' λυκείου. Έχει γράψει 3,567 μηνύματα.
As far as your teacher is concerned, I completely understand the fact that he doesn't want to "force" you to study Informatics, because of the forth-coming panhellenics. It is, however, quite unfortunate that during our senior year we don't get the chance to "explore" other interesting fields and study other subjects besides the ones panhellenicaly examined...

Well, I have no choice but to agree. But nobody seems to be interested in learning C++:P.
I would also like to learn more at History, but, well, I just cannot afford this luxury (from the aspect of time).

Regarding the restaurants in London, we went to some very good ones actually... I don't remember their names, though, because it's been a long time since my last visit! In fact, my father (I went to London with my parents) who has studied there knew where exactly we should go and what is the most interesting to see during our stay there! What I remember for sure is that I really enjoyed my trips to London and that I was impressed by the city!!!

Ah, lucky you. What we were having was scum:P. The only worthy thing was some brownies and a piece of chocolate cake (but that was from the Natural History Museum:P).

I haven't heard of the actor you mentioned, so I don't know how he speaks... I've heard though of the mancunian accent... I think it is the accent spoken in the Manchester area. I haven't heard it myself though, since neither have I ever been there nor have I met any locals... Is it close to the english or to the scottish one?

Well, he mustn' t be that known... Yes, it is the accent spoken in Manchester, and, well, a bit rougher than English. I love the way the letter "a" is spelled in most cases. A deep, clear "aaaa" coming from the depth of your throat:D. And I guess the vowels are articulated for a somewhat longer time. But I can' t really distinguish it from a Northern English accent.
I guess it is closer to English.

But I forgot to say that I also like the Auustraaliaan accent:P.

As far as the last question you've posed me is concerned, I must admit that I don't devote much time in listening to music... Therefore I'm not very eclectic... I like many kinds of music [rock, pop, aritistic (how else could I translate "έντεχνη"?) etc]...

Αh, well, you mean, all kinds of music are artistic... I dunno...

Guess you got it fairly right, have a look at this:

If you click at "Greek", art music is translated to "Έντεχνη Μουσική":D.

I can't stand, though, rap and traditional folkore songs (λαικά)... Some of my favourite greek artists are Hatzigiannis and Arvanitaki, but I am not passionate about each and every of their songs... Moreover, I appreciate some songs of Madona, yet again I'm not that passionate... To put it simply, I enjoy listening to music and I like the work of certain artsists but I'm not one of those girls that go to each and every concert of their favourite artists, screaming their names and depserately asking for an autograph... What about you?

Ah, which songs of Hatzigiannis' do you prefer, the old ones or the more recent ones?

Ι mostly listen to bands, such as Nickelback, Aerosmith, The Proclaimers, Maroon 5, Keane. I am beginning to explore artists like Santana, Stevie Wonder, Jack Johnson. Oh, and I like Meatloaf very much.
No Greek music:P. Used to listen to Hatzigiannis when I was younger, but his two latest albums were a disaster:(.

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.



Ο Ζαχαριας αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος. Είναι 27 ετών, Μαθητής Α' γυμνασίου και μας γράφει απο Κύμη (Εύβοια). Έχει γράψει 23 μηνύματα.



Η blablabla14 αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι 28 ετών και Μαθητής Γ' γυμνασίου. Έχει γράψει 73 μηνύματα.
Psychology is a very interesting subject. In fact I wanted to be a psychologist when I was about 14-15... The university lectures are really thought-proviking, according to a friend of mine that studies Psychology.

Finding a job as a psychologist, however, is quite difficult, from what I've heard, unless of course you'd like to pursue an academic career (that is becoming a university professor). While in other developed countries, psychologists are quite valuable and many people visit their offices every day, even without significant problems, in Greece things are different. Greeks still think that having issues and feeling the need to dicuss them with someone else besides your loved ones, is quite a "shame''... Many Greeks would not even consider a visit at a psychologist's office, no matter the amount or the importance of the personal problems they may be facing... That's why psycologists in Greece can't easily find a job...

If you really like psychology, however, then you should opt for it! I believe that when you really like something you should follow your dream and do not let things like the lack of jobs get in the way!!! Besides, when you believe in yourself and your studies, you will succeed!!!
yess i agree with you :) thank you for your interest and for your answer cause its very important for me :no1: your right by the way...greeks think that being healthy is not that important ..!!!:nono: and im talking about the health in your soul..!!! i believe this is the most important ..!!!!!!! al the others ambitions can wat :D what do U believe ? :)

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.


Εκκολαπτόμενο μέλος

Ο m αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος. Είναι 29 ετών, Μαθητής Β' λυκείου και μας γράφει απο Άγιοι Ανάργυροι (Αττική). Έχει γράψει 376 μηνύματα.
talking about Psychology, i believe that is the most important thing for a human....
if you are not in a good frame of mind, you can't accomplish anything....

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.

Ο αναγνώστης

Εκκολαπτόμενο μέλος

Η Ο αναγνώστης αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι 35 ετών και Φοιτήτρια. Έχει γράψει 179 μηνύματα.
the problem with psychology is that it's almost impossible to frame and categorise humans like it's trying to do. We are extremely diverse, we are what we are due to countless factors that are impossible to examine all together. I ve had some psychology modules at university and I came to the conclusion that where one method might work for someone it might not for someone else, where for example someone would say that his patient's disturbed phycology is due to supressed childhood, someone would say something else.
That's why it's very difficult to find a good psychologist, because they need to be flexible, not to blindly follow one "school" and dismiss all others. They need to be able to sense where one method has failed or is leading to a dead end and try another. But this is something you can't teach to people, it's something you must have in you I believe.
The books are good, they offer some guidance, some basic methods, but how can these methods apply to us all? The best psychologist is often the person who knows you the most.

Regarding the accent I prefer the most, I'd say I like the typical english one... It's more genuine and authentic... and quite sophisticated, actually...!!!:P What about you?

Kind regards,
Lita Athens

May I ask what is the "typical English accent" ? As far as I am aware there is no such thing. I am guessing you mean the London accent which is what we think is typical because of the movies. England has countless accents, people there are able to tell you where you are from based on your accent.

Σημείωση: Το μήνυμα αυτό γράφτηκε 14 χρόνια πριν. Ο συντάκτης του πιθανόν να έχει αλλάξει απόψεις έκτοτε.

Lita Athens

Δραστήριο μέλος

Η Lita Athens αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι Φοιτητής. Έχει γράψει 541 μηνύματα.
the problem with psychology is that it's almost impossible to frame and categorise humans like it's trying to do. We are extremely diverse, we are what we are due to countless factors that are impossible to examine all together. I ve had some psychology modules at university and I came to the conclusion that where one method might work for someone it might not for someone else, where for example someone would say that his patient's disturbed phycology is due to supressed childhood, someone would say something else.
That's why it's very difficult to find a good psychologist, because they need to be flexible, not to blindly follow one "school" and dismiss all others. They need to be able to sense where one method has failed or is leading to a dead end and try another. But this is something you can't teach to people, it's something you must have in you I believe.
The books are good, they offer some guidance, some basic methods, but how can these methods apply to us all? The best psychologist is often the person who knows you the most.

May I ask what is the "typical English accent" ? As far as I am aware there is no such thing. I am guessing you mean the London accent which is what we think is typical because of the movies. England has countless accents, people there are able to tell you where you are from based on your accent.

As far as your remarks on the variety of psychological theories are concerned, I must admit I agree with you. There are indeed many ways to interpret someone's problems and the specific categorisation in certain ''schools'' doesn't always suffice. However, this categorisation is based on a great number of similar cases and is actually the result of many years of research. Therefore, it isn't that useless! Combined with careful study of each case as well as critical thinking, it can be used as a method for a psychologist to form specific conclusions. After attending some psychology courses myself, I found out that these "schools" are actually norms that can prove very useful to a psychologist, if taken into careful consideration and not regarded as absolute facts.

Regarding your other question, by the phrase "typical english accent" I actually meant the London accent. There are indeed, as you mentioned, many accents in the UK (not only in England) and there are differences between them, concerning the articulation, the idioms and the expressions that their speakers use.
Well, I have no choice but to agree. But nobody seems to be interested in learning C++:P.
I would also like to learn more at History, but, well, I just cannot afford this luxury (from the aspect of time).

Ah, lucky you. What we were having was scum:P. The only worthy thing was some brownies and a piece of chocolate cake (but that was from the Natural History Museum:P).

Well, he mustn' t be that known... Yes, it is the accent spoken in Manchester, and, well, a bit rougher than English. I love the way the letter "a" is spelled in most cases. A deep, clear "aaaa" coming from the depth of your throat:D. And I guess the vowels are articulated for a somewhat longer time. But I can' t really distinguish it from a Northern English accent.
I guess it is closer to English.

But I forgot to say that I also like the Auustraaliaan accent:P.

Αh, well, you mean, all kinds of music are artistic... I dunno...

Guess you got it fairly right, have a look at this:

If you click at "Greek", art music is translated to "Έντεχνη Μουσική":D.

Ah, which songs of Hatzigiannis' do you prefer, the old ones or the more recent ones?

Ι mostly listen to bands, such as Nickelback, Aerosmith, The Proclaimers, Maroon 5, Keane. I am beginning to explore artists like Santana, Stevie Wonder, Jack Johnson. Oh, and I like Meatloaf very much.
No Greek music:P. Used to listen to Hatzigiannis when I was younger, but his two latest albums were a disaster:(.


You'll realise, after graduation, that many of the subjects during your senior year were quite interesting. Personally, after the panhellenics, I read the whole sociology coursebook!!! Anyway, I completely understand that right now the most imortant goal is to enter the university department that you wish and that studying the subjects panhellenicaly examined is your primary concern (as it should be!!!:P).

Regarding your other question (about Hatzigiannis), I have to say I mosltly prefer his older songs... Except "Φίλοι και Εχθροί", I do not actually like his more recent ones... I listen to some bands as well like Maroon 5, Linking Park and U2, but not that often... By the way who's Meatloaf? I've never heard of him/her... Do you listen to any Dutch music?


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Ο αναγνώστης

Εκκολαπτόμενο μέλος

Η Ο αναγνώστης αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι 35 ετών και Φοιτήτρια. Έχει γράψει 179 μηνύματα.
I guessed you meant the London accent, we foreigners are used to associate everything English with London :P. I am aware of course that the UK has many different accents, I just mentioned England only because you said English accent. My favourite accent is my boyfriend's. He lives in Birmingham but his accent is nothing like that of the other "Brummies" (that's the pet name for those who are from Birmingham-or Brum :D). It's more of a mixture between London and Birmingham. I also like Northern accents, I like that they say me instead of my, it has it's charm. With Scottish, even though I like the sound of it, I changed my mind about liking it when I had to understand a lecture by a Scott....almost impossible. Although with practice you get used to it.
Ah, England, my favourite place on earth :)

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Περιβόητο μέλος

Ο thanous18 αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένος. Είναι Φοιτητής. Έχει γράψει 4,131 μηνύματα.
Well I 'm thiking of going to my bed. :P Studing linguistics first of course. Cause I have this class tomorrow. :fss:
The semester ended and now it's fucking time we studied. :P
By the way I love my classes.

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Lita Athens

Δραστήριο μέλος

Η Lita Athens αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι Φοιτητής. Έχει γράψει 541 μηνύματα.
I guessed you meant the London accent, we foreigners are used to associate everything English with London :P. I am aware of course that the UK has many different accents, I just mentioned England only because you said English accent. My favourite accent is my boyfriend's. He lives in Birmingham but his accent is nothing like that of the other "Brummies" (that's the pet name for those who are from Birmingham-or Brum :D). It's more of a mixture between London and Birmingham. I also like Northern accents, I like that they say me instead of my, it has it's charm. With Scottish, even though I like the sound of it, I changed my mind about liking it when I had to understand a lecture by a Scott....almost impossible. Although with practice you get used to it.
Ah, England, my favourite place on earth :)

I've heard of the Birmingham accent... It's closer to the London rather than the scottish one I think...

What I meant to say by underlying the difference between the UK and England was that we tend to associate England with the whole Great Britain, whilst there are also Scotland and Wales...

Understanding the scottish accent wasn't that hard for me... At first, of course, I felt that I had to pay more attention than usual in their articulation, but then I got used to it... After staying for a few days in Scotland, not only for touristic reasons but for academic purposes as well, I was able to understand Scotts very well... It's probably due to the fact that I stayed for quite a while there and, therefore, I got the chance to communicate with many natives... I think it's just a matter of practice!

UK is one of my favourite places as well... Especially London and Scotland... Have you ever been in Birmingham? I've heard of its university. It's quite well reputed actually!

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Ο αναγνώστης

Εκκολαπτόμενο μέλος

Η Ο αναγνώστης αυτή τη στιγμή δεν είναι συνδεδεμένη. Είναι 35 ετών και Φοιτήτρια. Έχει γράψει 179 μηνύματα.
I've heard of the Birmingham accent... It's closer to the London rather than the scottish one I think...

What I meant to say by underlying the difference between the UK and England was that we tend to associate England with the whole Great Britain, whilst there are also Scotland and Wales...

Understanding the scottish accent wasn't that hard for me... At first, of course, I felt that I had to pay more attention than usual in their articulation, but then I got used to it... After staying for a few days in Scotland, not only for touristic reasons but for academic purposes as well, I was able to understand Scotts very well... It's probably due to the fact that I stayed for quite a while there and, therefore, I got the chance to communicate with many natives... I think it's just a matter of practice!

UK is one of my favourite places as well... Especially London and Scotland... Have you ever been in Birmingham? I've heard of its university. It's quite well reputed actually!

I was in Birmingham this semester on erasmus. The university was absolutely amazing, although the city is not really that special. I've spent alot of time there since my boyfriend is from Birmingham, I was there all summer. He studies in Egham though, in Royal Holloway, so I also visit Egham alot, which is good because it's really close to London so we visit all the time. Plus it's even closer to Windsor, the Queen's town which is so beautiful! As for the Scottish accent, after a while you do get used to it eventually, as with all accent.
If you really like England, I deffinitely recommend trying to go to Birmingham on erasmus (you study the same as me here in Greece so I know it's one of the options)...Coming in contact with academic english, having to learn how to quickly read/scan books in order to find key passages for your essays etc was extremely valuable for my knowledge of english and I think it was the perfect preparation for a future master's in England. Let's not even mention the fact that I learned more in 3 months than what I've learned in Greece for 3 years...English educational system is amazing. Their universities, the libraries, are everything a student might need.

May I ask you about these summer school's you 've been to? At which universities did you go? Which one was the best?

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